19/06 Part 1 - TROJAN and FITCH BOB CACIB and RCACIB, CAC at the Int’l of Orvieto
We were so pleased that under the breed specialist judge Sue Almey, our dogs did so well. She gave Trojan the CACIB and Fitch the CAC and RCACIB. Black Maverick 3rd and Sunbeam 4th in open class. Ritz second in young class. Her critiques were priceless, and very much appreciated. Thank you also to BOB judge Sig. Cuccillato for Trojan's BOB, which entitled him to compete for the group.

Ch. RCG Trick or Treat BOB CACIB & RCG Anna’s Speed Priority RCACIB CAC
Again we thank judge, Sue Almey, so much for appreciating our boys. A VERY SPECIAL day for the ROYAL CREST kennel!