BOB and BOS in RCI Club Show for Goldens in Torba (VA)

BOB, 1° EXC Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat
BOS, 1° EXC Royal Crest Gold-n Black Velvet
We are very pleased with our results from the last raduno for goldens at Torba.
With an entry of more than 120 Goldens, we were thrilled with our results of BOB Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat and his daughter, Royal Crest Gold-n Black Velvet (who concluded her Italian Championship title with this win) doing Best Opposite Sex.
In addition, we had some nice results with the other dogs from our kennel.
(See results here)
We are also very proud that this is the second daughter of Trojan to make up Champion (from his first litter). Royal Crest Gold-n Black Orchid congratulates her sister, and will soon be having puppies.
Thank you to all the judges who appreciated our golden's.