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News from Royal Crest


03/04/2011 -RADUNO Labrador Golden

Colorado 0 3793 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione



Best of Group Winner, Whopper wins for the 13th time (9 BOB and 4 BOS in a little over one year)  BEST MALE!!!  Great results for such a YOUNG boy






Speaking of YOUNG Boys...Trojan's BOYS win three classes at the Raduno! OPEN , INTERMEDIATE, and YOUNG classes were all won by his boys.





Maverick wins the CAC ...







... and Fitch second in Open Class.  






Maverick now needs only a National to make up Trojans third Champion

02/04/2011 - International Montichiari

Colorado 0 3737 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

In a small entry of only 25 males, we were very pleased that French judge Mr. Facq appreciated the two males we entered.   Ch., Pluri BEST OF GROUP winner Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat "R. CACIB", and his son Royal Crest Gold-n Black Maverick "4th EXC". 

In una expo con solo 25  maschi iscritti, siamo stati molto contenti che il giudice Francese Mr. Facq abbia apprezzato i 2 soggetti che abbiamo presentato: Ch., Pluri BEST OF GROUP winner Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat "R. CACIB" e il suo figlio Royal Crest Gold-n Black Maverick "4th EXC".


Maverick & Trojan... son and father... what a fine day!!!


Colorado 0 5092 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

Sunday, after the fantastic results on Saturday, at the Int’l  of Modena Trojan (Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat) came along for the show, since it was a Mostra Speciale,  judged by Fenish Kennel Club President Sando Siv.  I was so pleasantly surprised that she gave the BOB to Trojan.  Best of Group came from the Australian judge Giles Margaret (expo link) .   


 (click on the photo to enlarge)

In this show too, Trojans’ progeny placed well. You can see the overall picture in the show result link on our web-site.

Thank you to all the judges who appreciated our dogs and contributed to this special week-end for Royal Crest.

19/03/2011 - INT'L of REGGIO EMILIA...BEST OF GROUP for the second year in a row!!!

Colorado 0 3182 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

Saturday, at the Int’l of Reggio Emilia, Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Vanity Flair wins, for the second year in a row,  BOB (this year from the Ch. class) judged by Sig. Nerilli and goes on to win BEST of GROUP under  Sig. Bezzecchi.  Last year “Whopper” won the group under German judge Sig. Schicker.  What a THRILL to win the GROUP TWO YEARS RUNNING WITH THE SAME ROYAL CREST DOG!!!  


    2011... Whopper strikes again

(Click on the photos for the expo links)  



Not to be overlooked, Trojan’s son,  Royal Crest Gold-n Black Maverick, winning the CAC, bringing him closer to concluding his Italian Ch. title, missing only a national and an International CAC.

Other Trojan offspring  also had nice placings. You can see the overall picture in the show result link on our web-site.

Thank you to all the judges who appreciated our dogs.



Colorado 0 3455 Valutazione articolo: Nessuna valutazione

In the first field Trial of the season 2011, Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat "Trojan", and Ch. Royal Crest Gold-n Vanity Flair "Whopper" (TOP SHOW GOLDEN 2010 RCI, with record points and 2nd Top Dog ENCI  CIRCUIT,  BEST MALE OF THE YEAR) proved their STUFF!

Trojan, in his first field trial, was 4th Exc, and Whopper qualified with Very Good.  True Dual!!!  Not a slogan, but a fact.

We thank judge Mr. Sergio Franchi for appreciating the natural working ability of our goldens.

Generation after generation, Royal Crest confirms that you don't have to be ugly to be intelligent, and you don't have to be stupid to be beautiful.

 ♦♦ ♦♦   ♦♦ ♦♦

Nella prima prova di caccia dell'anno 2011 Ch Royal Crest Gold-n Trick or Treat "Trojan" e Ch Royal Crest Gold-n Vanity Flair "Whopper"( PREMIO SPECIALE BELLEZZA GOLDEN RCI 2010 con il record di punteggio e 2° Top Dog CIRCUITO ENCI, MIGLIOR MASCHIO DELL'ANNO) hanno dimostrato le loro qualità.

Nel suo primo FT, Trojan è stato qualificato 4th eccellente e Whopper è stato qualificato molto buono.

Ringraziamo il giudice sig. Sergio Franchi per aver apprezzato le qualità naturali di lavoro dei nostri Goldens.

Generazione dopo generazione, Royal Crest conferma che non si deve essere brutti per essere intelligenti e non si deve essere stupidi per essere belli.




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